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Now I know what you may be thinking and that is probably, why is Katy now writing her blog posts on Wordpress? I have been thinking about moving from Blogger for a while now and I saw a Tweet saying they were thinking of moving over to Wordpress too and so I decided to finally do it.  Blogger has been in my life for nearly 2 years and while it is a good site for Blogging, I needed a change and somewhere where I could explore my creativity more as an adult and be able to use a site where I could input my own made creations onto my own blog.  I made my first blog post on Blogger back in December 2015 when I was 17 and now that I'm 19, I knew I needed to make the transition with my blog but I didn't know how and I definitely didn't know when. So no, I haven't changed my blog at all, I have just changed the site where it is hosted. I will still keep my Blogger site up and live for people to see my old posts but this post will both be on my Blogger and Wordpress blogs....
Recent posts

July Favourites

I have never done one of these before so I am jumping in at the deep end after only reading 2 of these by some of my friends. So, July was an exciting month and it is weird to think I have been in my new house for a month already. So here is the list of my favourite things this month. Lush Intergalactic Bath Bomb I was excited to get this bath bomb as I have seen so many good reviews on it and it would be my first bath bomb. It was seriously beautiful (see photo below). I didn’t know if they would be good but it was stunning. It was like sitting in a glittery sea that was green. It also was nice on my skin and made me relax. Primark, PS… Contour Kit Now I don’t use makeup or contour a lot but this was really nice to use. It comes with a guide on how to apply contour which helped me a lot when using it as I didn’t know how to use it. It has been one of my makeup staples this month. I have used it so much, it is starting to show the bottom of the pans. It’s so smooth to...

Moving Out: 1 Year On

Now I waited a little bit after the 30th June to write this post (a month basically) mainly because I moved out of halls and into a house and basically I was busy with finding jobs and doing bits on the side and have been very M.I.A with my blog at the moment and I apologise so here is a long blog post about what happened after I moved out and where I am today and how I got here. So I left home (my Nan's house) on the 30th June 2016. That day was so hard for me. Leaving a place I called home was really scary but I knew at that point in my life I had to do it there and then. I waited with a friend and I stayed at his house for a few nights while I sorted things out and where I was going to stay and things like that. I was going to be moving into halls on September 10th that year for University so I had about 2-3 months to figure out where I would be staying and how I would get all my stuff for University with no job and no home. After a few days at that friend’s house, I was abl...

Lego Tape - Review

I don’t know about you but if I could go back to my childhood and not grow out of Lego, I would. I came across this Lego tape online and oh my god I had so much fun with it.  So let me tell you why I am going to play with this Lego tape for the rest of adult life.   When it arrived, there were four packs with the colours green, red, blue and grey. Pretty good colours knowing I didn’t choose them. They came in around 1m strips and are quite flexible. Going to cut them, I found they were easy to cut into pieces, the only problem with this is you can’t put them back together. I found to tackle this is to put two strips together and they should line up and then bricks can be placed on them. Also, this means you can join different coloured strips with bricks and make what you are building more interesting. Before you get the strips you think about how much you can do with them and where to put them but when they get to you, your mind goes blank. I sat on my sofa and thou...

Body Shaming and The World Today

I decided to do this post as I was on Twitter at the start of this month and I saw that the hashtag #TheySaid was trending. It basically was people telling Twitter what hurtful things had been said to them because they were not a certain weight or body shape. I took part in the trend and received such beautiful words and one set of negative words. It is funny how one person thinks to themselves “You know what I’ll do today, I will go on twitter and ruin someone’s day”. Honestly, I saw the tweet and laughed to myself. What I didn’t get is that they took time out of their day to tweet an insult at me. Anyway, from that I saw all these empowered people tell Twitter (aka the whole freaking world!) how they were body shamed and how they feel about it. It honestly brought a tear to my eye. In today’s society, being anything other than slim considered shameful and wrong but why does this happen and what can we do to stop it? I think a major part of this is that agencies employ models for...

What to do when stressed...

What to do when you're stressed about deadlines... So as the end of my course looms upon me, I am stressing out as it's a lot of work for me to do in two weeks but here are a few things I have found to help with the stress. Eat Healthy  - If you eat pizza every day, the carbohydrates and fat in it with make you feel tired and grouchy. Have a chicken salad instead! The nutrients in the salad will awaken your senses and make you feel alive. Well, this is what it does to me haha! Eating carbs makes me feel tired therefore eating something acidic or sweet like fruit and vegetables will help keep you alert. Avoid drinking fizzy drinks as well. Try drink water or squash to keep yourself hydrated without the caffeine. Take Breaks - Try and do 40 minutes of work then take a 10-minute break. This helps your brain rest for the next 40 minutes of work. Have a drink and a snack in this time to keep your brain and body fed and so you can use your brain for your work! Also, you are ...

The One Where I Can't Think of A Title...

I don't really have a title for this post as it's a load of stuff. Well if you're celebrating Valentines Day on Tuesday, good luck! Get flowers, chocolates and something nice. If you're like me and single as fuck, get into bed, get comfort food and put on Fifty Shades Darker. Seriously, though, Valentines Day is just another thing that's overrated when you're single. You see all the couple pictures, the presents they give to each other while the only present you'll get is Channing Tatum's gorgeous body when you watch Magic Mike that day. I plan to be spending my night in bed watching romantic comedies with hopefully ice cream. It's only February and I already want it to be summer again. I mean I have less than two months of Uni left for my first year and that is really scary to me. Like, I started in Septmeber 2016 and now it's already February 2017?! What?! That is crazy! I'm really looking forward to my birthday in two months as wel...