I don’t know about you but if I could go back to my childhood and not grow out of Lego, I would. I came across this Lego tape online and oh my god I had so much fun with it. So let me tell you why I am going to play with this Lego tape for the rest of adult life.
When it arrived, there were four packs with the colours green, red, blue and grey. Pretty good colours knowing I didn’t choose them. They came in around 1m strips and are quite flexible. Going to cut them, I found they were easy to cut into pieces, the only problem with this is you can’t put them back together. I found to tackle this is to put two strips together and they should line up and then bricks can be placed on them. Also, this means you can join different coloured strips with bricks and make what you are building more interesting.
Before you get the strips you think about how much you can do with them and where to put them but when they get to you, your mind goes blank. I sat on my sofa and thought where the hell I could put them. In the end, I thought, lets put them on the wall cause Lego on the wall will look cool. It did but when I removed the tape, which comes off very easily, it removed some of the paint from the wall. It then became less sticky because of the paint that was stuck on the strip. This is the only big downside to the product, I really liked the tape but it became un-sticky when the sticky part of the product was covered in something.
It proved a treat with my 19-year-old friends as well. We are adults but put Lego in front of us and we will go crazy. We even put it on the fridge because we wanted to spruce up our fridge. We have to keep pressing the ends to the fridge but other than that, we are so happy with the product. It lets you have a base for the Lego if you don’t have the mat to build say a house. You can connect a few strips together and use that.
Overall this is an amazing product for all ages if you are a child at heart and for a cheap price, this is a bargain. It keeps you standing on Lego and keeps its stuck on the place you stick it to. I really liked this product so much that I even stuck some to my laptop for a little “motivational man” to be near me.
Hope you all are having a nice week! You can find the tape here: https://www.stickybricktape.com/
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