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What to do when stressed...

What to do when you're stressed about deadlines...

So as the end of my course looms upon me, I am stressing out as it's a lot of work for me to do in two weeks but here are a few things I have found to help with the stress.

Eat Healthy
 - If you eat pizza every day, the carbohydrates and fat in it with make you feel tired and grouchy. Have a chicken salad instead! The nutrients in the salad will awaken your senses and make you feel alive. Well, this is what it does to me haha! Eating carbs makes me feel tired therefore eating something acidic or sweet like fruit and vegetables will help keep you alert.
Avoid drinking fizzy drinks as well. Try drink water or squash to keep yourself hydrated without the caffeine.

Take Breaks
- Try and do 40 minutes of work then take a 10-minute break. This helps your brain rest for the next 40 minutes of work. Have a drink and a snack in this time to keep your brain and body fed and so you can use your brain for your work! Also, you are giving your eyes a rest from screens so go lie down for 10 minutes and make sure you aren't looking at a screen as this can tire your eyes.

Set Goals
- Before you start work, set yourself goals for that piece of work. Set small goals like "I will answer two of the questions by my first break" this way you can do your work in small bits and you don't have to rush as it is a small goal. Taking your time with small goals helps your work become better as you think about it more. So then you did 40 minutes work and now you have a 10-minute break. Look at what you achieved in that 40 minutes. If you didn't achieve it, make sure you do by the next break. If you did, set yourself a new goal by the next break.

Listen to Music
- Listening to your favourite songs while working may distract you so listen to something you haven't before. While writing this I am listening to a Spotify playlist in the study section and it is helping me concentrate on writing this. If that doesn't help and listening to your favourite playlist works for you, do that. People are different in how they work. If you prefer to work in silence, do so. It can help to clear the mind. It is also helping forget about the stress I have of working so it may help you.

If there is anything you do to help you delete stress from your life I haven't mentioned, please tell me in the comments! If any of these helped you, please do say!


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