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July Favourites

I have never done one of these before so I am jumping in at the deep end after only reading 2 of these by some of my friends. So, July was an exciting month and it is weird to think I have been in my new house for a month already. So here is the list of my favourite things this month.

Lush Intergalactic Bath Bomb
I was excited to get this bath bomb as I have seen so many good reviews on it and it would be my first bath bomb. It was seriously beautiful (see photo below). I didn’t know if they would be good but it was stunning. It was like sitting in a glittery sea that was green. It also was nice on my skin and made me relax.

Primark, PS… Contour Kit
Now I don’t use makeup or contour a lot but this was really nice to use. It comes with a guide on how to apply contour which helped me a lot when using it as I didn’t know how to use it. It has been one of my makeup staples this month. I have used it so much, it is starting to show the bottom of the pans. It’s so smooth to put on and feels natural after application. It is only around £4 as well and comes with a little brush for you to apply it which I use for my nose part of my contouring and I have another contour brush for the bigger parts.

Chupa Chups Strawberries & Cream tea-light candles
If you don’t know, I really love candles and I mean I REALLY love them. If I were in a room of candles, that would be heaven. Anyway, I found these at Savers in Derby for £1 and they smelled amazing through the box. They burn really nicely and the smell they give off is amazing. I have these on my windowsill so I can relax in bed with them being in a safe place. They also help with my anxiety as I watch the flame and the smell calms me down when I am in a situation where I am panicking.

Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder
Everyone has got to have a powder, haven’t they? I have been using this for a few months but now that the weather is warmer, I have been wary of my makeup coming off because of the heat. This powder has taken those fears right off my mind because it keeps my makeup in place and helps it stay natural to the touch. It is my godsend for the summer months and with it being under £10 per pot, it is a bargain. I haven’t even got to the bottom and I have been using it for 4-5 months now. Definitely a keeper!

Lush Rough with the Smooth Body Scrub
Again, I bought a few things from lush (as you do) and this was one of them. I was out with Jack and he saw it and loved it so I obviously bought it 😉. I was sceptical at first as I have used things like this before and they didn’t work. I want to buy another one of these because they are bloody amazing. It feels weird when you wash your skin with it but after, your skin is beautifully smooth and I was shocked at how well it took away the dead skin and exfoliated my skin at the same time. The smell of this was gorgeous as well, I definitely recommend if you want to get rid of all the dead skin.

Black Seaweed Peel-Off
After seeing videos of people not being able to pull the charcoal mask off their face without hurting themselves, I was scared to do this mask but it proved itself as it came off with ease. I even saw stuff that had come out of my pores so it did its job. It is not very aesthetically pleasing and the mask is fully black and when you take it off, it leaves your face a shade of black but using a face wipe to go over your face takes the marks off. My face is now silky smooth and also doesn’t feel that oily.

Primark, PS… Liquid Eyeliner

Eyeliner is an amazing tool and I love it because you can go from a normal make-up look to being fierce with a touch of eyeliner and a wing. I can’t always make my eyeliner be symmetrical but the wand with this eyeliner from Primark really helps to keep the line straight. It also dries really quickly so you can do this with a minute to spare if you’re late. The colour of it is very rich and high pigmented and it stands out. The best thing about it? It’s £1!!

So there you are! My July Favourites! I hope to do more of these and I hope you liked my first one and also my first flat lay! (the first photo on this blog post! 

Let me know down in the comments if you have any of these and how you found using them!


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