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Some Sort of Update!

So I know I haven't posted a blog post since April and the last one I posted was about my depression. I have been very dormant due to finishing two of my subjects in school (Media and ICT) and because of that, I have more time to focus on my drama exam! Written work is something that is tricky for me as I am not that good at explaining things sometimes therefore it's a little harder when writing big essays. Especially when the sections are up to 30 marks each!

But as I have now cut down on my work load, I am still finding ways to procrastinate and I know I shouldn't and just get the work done but over the past few weeks, my motivation really hasn't been there. I want the drive to do the written work, to be able to have the motivation to push myself to get better but it's not there. I don't know why maybe because of depression or anxiety of failure but it's very annoying.

It is nearly the end of my secondary education and I can't say i have enjoyed all of it but the people who i have become friends with over the years helps me realize the past 6 years have been some of the best knowing the people who have stuck by me through them all. They say that school days are the best days of your life and I agree with this.

Throughout my six years at one school (longest i have EVER stayed somewhere for so long), I have gained life long friends, been to Prom, got my GCSE's, my AS Levels and will hopefully get my A2's with good grades. I am so happy with the memories that I have collected over the years and will miss my school so much just because of the people and the teachers.

So treasure the school moments as they will last forever with the memories you have. I hope you do as i am doing.

Katy x


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