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I didn't stick to my goal!

I have been so busy over the last couple of weeks that I forgot to blog! So as you know, I am a sixth form student and the work load is beginning to get on top of me xD I cannot wait to go to University as then I am doing something I love and can just focus on that as well as doing this blog and University.

I have been doing my A2 Film lately and its shown me that it takes a lot of time to create something that is a masterpiece. It also showed me my passion for the subject of Film Making!

Over the weekend it was Valentine's Day and I stayed at my boyfriend's house. There may be a video up with clips from that but im not too sure. I hope you had a good weekend and a good Valentines Day whether you were with your boyfriend/girlfriend or sitting in with a pizza on your own.

I hope to post this weekend with what I have done this week but to keep up to date with me then follow either one of my tumblr's:

Personal: katym1998
Study Tumblr: mystudyblr2016

also you follow me on my social media:

Snapchat: katym1998
Instagram: katym1998
Twitter: KatyMackenzie19
YouTube: KatyM1998

Have a great weeek!


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