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Hey Everyone!

I am sorry I haven't posted since December but I have been working so hard on my school work that I haven't had time to write on this blog!

Now it is nearly the end of January already and that means nearly 7 months till I am off to Uni so there are things I need to do in order for me to prepare for Uni and enjoy the year too. I have proposed new goals to myself and done some things for the upcoming months!

So my new goals for 2016 are this:

> Try to be happier
> Try my best in my subjects and Drama Exam
> Complete a 'Daily Plan' sheet everyday
> Make check-lists for:
      ! Stuff to buy/take to University
      ! What I want for my Birthday
> See my boyfriend at least once every month and lots in the summer
> Finish The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire
> Try to do some writing when exams finish
> After exams, get a job if possible
> Make more YouTuber videos
> Collab with other YouTubers
> Try to get to 50% fluent Spanish on Duolingo

So those are most of my goals for 2016 and i hope i pick up more going through the year. I will try to update every weekend!!!

Katy x


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