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A Week To Go!

Well today marks one week till Christmas 2015 and if you feel like me, it doesn't feel like Christmas to be honest. It will just feel like another day like last year. I guess I've grown up and it isn't something that is as exciting any more.

I still plan to make it an amazing day by eating a lot! I want it to be a good day. I haven't had one of those in a while and I just wish that on Christmas Day it will be happy with no negative feelings and no arguments. No losing people, just happiness.

I hope for a day where I am happy at least for that day. It will be a good day and I will try to make sure of that.

So what's next for me? New Year! No new year, new me bullshit. I'm staying me and I am happy the way I am but I am going to try to be better, to be happier and to be more helpful to those who need my help.

I'm going to try to be a better version of myself. Take risks. Get myself out of my comfort zone and mostly be me. Happy. That is all i want for myself, to be happy. So that will be more in depth when I post in the new year!

Have an amazing Christmas and I will see you, in the New Year.

Adios! x


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