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Showing posts from July, 2016

I Left Home...

So some but not many people will know this due to me keeping it quiet and away from social media because I was told by someone "you'll put something on Facebook or Twitter about this" and I wanted to prove them wrong so I decided to wait a while and then write a blog post about it. When I was 16, I wanted to be myself and be independent so I made myself more mature and thought about decisions before making one due to my past where I had rushed decisions which would often lead to the wrong choice. Now that I am 18, I know the "big wide world" is scary and that going out there alone will be tough. Last Thursday, I was pushed to my limit where I couldn't stand feeling trapped and alone anymore and made the decision to leave home. It was a big decision, a really big one. I didn't know if I would come back or if I would ever see my guardian again because I didn't wanna be there if I was going to be treated like I was 10 years old. I'm going to ...

Dear America

So this is a blog post directed to America. Dear America, Over the last 10 hours, I have seen two videos where men have been shot and killed by Police Officers. You know why that is?  I am not saying they're racist but shooting black men because they're doing nothing makes it look like racism and because white police officers think that these men will retaliate and assault them. The men that I saw in the videos had no weapons on them. One was on the ground, held down by a police officer and didn't seem to be struggling but the police officer took the matter into his own hands, put the gun over the man's chest and shot him. Since January 1st 2016, over 600 people have been shot by police officers (Souce: When will this police brutality stop? When will they realise that these police officers have no right to shoot people if the person is not retaliating against the Officer? These officers kill these people and then do not get charged f...