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Showing posts from July, 2017

Moving Out: 1 Year On

Now I waited a little bit after the 30th June to write this post (a month basically) mainly because I moved out of halls and into a house and basically I was busy with finding jobs and doing bits on the side and have been very M.I.A with my blog at the moment and I apologise so here is a long blog post about what happened after I moved out and where I am today and how I got here. So I left home (my Nan's house) on the 30th June 2016. That day was so hard for me. Leaving a place I called home was really scary but I knew at that point in my life I had to do it there and then. I waited with a friend and I stayed at his house for a few nights while I sorted things out and where I was going to stay and things like that. I was going to be moving into halls on September 10th that year for University so I had about 2-3 months to figure out where I would be staying and how I would get all my stuff for University with no job and no home. After a few days at that friend’s house, I was abl...

Lego Tape - Review

I don’t know about you but if I could go back to my childhood and not grow out of Lego, I would. I came across this Lego tape online and oh my god I had so much fun with it.  So let me tell you why I am going to play with this Lego tape for the rest of adult life.   When it arrived, there were four packs with the colours green, red, blue and grey. Pretty good colours knowing I didn’t choose them. They came in around 1m strips and are quite flexible. Going to cut them, I found they were easy to cut into pieces, the only problem with this is you can’t put them back together. I found to tackle this is to put two strips together and they should line up and then bricks can be placed on them. Also, this means you can join different coloured strips with bricks and make what you are building more interesting. Before you get the strips you think about how much you can do with them and where to put them but when they get to you, your mind goes blank. I sat on my sofa and thou...