I decided to do this post as I was on Twitter at the start of this month and I saw that the hashtag #TheySaid was trending. It basically was people telling Twitter what hurtful things had been said to them because they were not a certain weight or body shape. I took part in the trend and received such beautiful words and one set of negative words. It is funny how one person thinks to themselves “You know what I’ll do today, I will go on twitter and ruin someone’s day”. Honestly, I saw the tweet and laughed to myself. What I didn’t get is that they took time out of their day to tweet an insult at me. Anyway, from that I saw all these empowered people tell Twitter (aka the whole freaking world!) how they were body shamed and how they feel about it. It honestly brought a tear to my eye. In today’s society, being anything other than slim considered shameful and wrong but why does this happen and what can we do to stop it? I think a major part of this is that agencies employ models for...
Lifestyle, Mental Health, Food and random things that I find interesting!