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The One Where I Can't Think of A Title...

I don't really have a title for this post as it's a load of stuff.

Well if you're celebrating Valentines Day on Tuesday, good luck! Get flowers, chocolates and something nice. If you're like me and single as fuck, get into bed, get comfort food and put on Fifty Shades Darker.

Seriously, though, Valentines Day is just another thing that's overrated when you're single. You see all the couple pictures, the presents they give to each other while the only present you'll get is Channing Tatum's gorgeous body when you watch Magic Mike that day. I plan to be spending my night in bed watching romantic comedies with hopefully ice cream.

It's only February and I already want it to be summer again. I mean I have less than two months of Uni left for my first year and that is really scary to me. Like, I started in Septmeber 2016 and now it's already February 2017?! What?! That is crazy!

I'm really looking forward to my birthday in two months as well. I didn't go out last year, only for a meal with my family and even though that was good, I am glad I am going out with my friends this year.

Okay, so another subject that has been on my mind recently is Donald Trump. He's already put a ban in force which "suspended the admission of all refugees to the United States for 120 days; suspended the admission of Syrian refugees indefinitely; prioritised the refugee claims of non-Muslims in the Middle East; and banned citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S."


Already this has caused chaos inAmerica, with students from other countries studying at American Colleges and Universities being sent back to where they originally live just because they are from certain countries. Therefore these students cannot come back and study for nearly 1/4 of a year. Even though it goes against the constitution and judges did not pass the ban, Trump has then threatened to invade Mexico and has created a diplomatic crisis with Australia. That's not even half of the stuff he's done in less than a month that he has been President

Seriously Trump, what the fuck are you doing? I think personally his head is screwed on backwards because he is just unravelling all the work that Obama did for America

Anyway, enough ranting! Here's a photo of Cheeto Trump.


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